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We are an Independent Policy Research Institute

Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies (IIPS) is an independent policy research institute that aims to generate, propagate and regulate public policies towards achieving sustainable development in Pakistan. It helps improve policies and decision making through research and analysis

Our Scope

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Undertake quality research and policy analyses for sustainable national development.


[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Column” min_height=”398″ icon_size=”50″]

Serve as a collaborative platform for dissemination of research, exchange and dialogue.


[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Cube-Molecule2″ min_height=”389″ icon_size=”50″]

Build capacity and competence to respond to research and policy needs at national level.


[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Chemical-3″ min_height=”389″ icon_size=”50″]

Develop viable connectivity between academia and industry for applied R&D.


[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Factory” min_height=”389″ icon_size=”50″]

Conduct research on emerging technologies for industrial application.


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Support endeavors for socio economic development through research and analyses.


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Undertake critical impact studies of policies and recommend solutions.


Chairman’s Message

Pakistan is a country enriched with the chances of prosperity and development if worked upon in the right way. In the current circumstances, intelligent policy design and its effective implementation is the one fix that Pakistan needs.

Moreover, it is important to harness technology and innovation to fix Real Estate which is the second biggest employment sector in Pakistan, after agriculture, to boost the economic growth of our country. Through our Institute, we hope to fulfill this need of the hour and take Pakistan one step ahead of its game through effective policymaking and the implementation of AI and Blockchain in order to attain sustainable development.

IIPS President’s Message

Research and development is a proven catalyst to effective policy making and development in any sector. Inter alia nations have seen holistic progress as a result of policies that support growth and synergy in utilization of national resources. Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies provides a platform for research and formulation of policies that can earnestly contribute to national development of Pakistan.

Pakistan needs to effectively harness and mobilize its resources to address growing challenges. Our research and policy advocacy has to be essentially based on our sociopolitical ground realities and not on alien solutions. IIPS intends to focus on development of policies that take into account these essential factors. Youth needs to be engaged in economic activities as they make up the majority segment of our population. This all can best be done with accurate data and use of technology for result oriented strategies.

Our Group Directors

Mandate of Advisory Board

[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Scale” min_height=”200″]The advisory board (AB) will act as an advisory body to Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies (IIPS)[/fancy_box]
[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Column” min_height=”200″]It is an advisory organ without involvement in corporate affairs[/fancy_box]
[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Statistic” min_height=”200″]Will work towards attainment of IIPS’s vision, objectives and scope[/fancy_box]
[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Suitcase” min_height=”200″]Will provide expert professional input for accomplishment of the mandate of IIPS[/fancy_box]
[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-University” min_height=”200″]Advise and facilitate liaison and joint planning with the government ministries/departments and allied private organizations[/fancy_box]
[fancy_box box_style=”color_box_hover” icon_family=”iconsmind” color=”extra-color-gradient-1″ box_alignment=”left” border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Rook” min_height=”200″]Advise and assist in planning and smooth implementation of RE 2020 and Pakistan 2030[/fancy_box]

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board operates towards the realization of IIPS’s vision by providing professional input and facilitating the planning with external stakeholders, without getting involved in corporate affairs. The IIPS Advisory Board is headed by Lt. Gen. Muhammad Haroon Aslam (R) in the capacity of President and consists of seasoned professionals from different fields of life including:

IMARAT Institute of Policy Studies

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