Registering Property In Pakistan

Posted by: IIPS Category: Data Visualisation Comments: 0

The Ease of Doing Business is a governance index created by the World Bank to measure the administrative hurdles and procedures a business entity, individual, or investor has to face in Pakistan. The index is subdivided into many indicators which helps in analyzing the business environment of a region.

The EDB Index is also used by potential investors to evaluate the current practices and performance of the business community. They can measure the extent to which the economy is conducive for conducting different types of businesses especially in the real estate and e-commerce sector.

Pakistan has improved on the Ease of Doing Index by expanding the functionalities of the online one-stop-shop portal. This feature has reduced the number of procedures required to set up a business from 10 to 5. This has massively improved the economy’s score for starting a business in terms of the procedures involved.

Registration of property is an important indicator in the Ease of Doing Business index and it has immense significance in evaluating the real estate business. Pakistan can further improve its position on this index by focusing on legal and timely registration of real estate properties.

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