Need for Low-Carbon Infrastructure to Promote Green Development

Need for low-carbon infrastructure to promote green development

With the increasing population, the need for urban infrastructure and development is rising. With such advanced development, millions of people are getting lifted from poverty, but also it is driving resource and energy consumption to unsustainable levels. To make urban development sustainable for the future, there is a dire need to identify strategies for reconciling infrastructure development and climate change mitigation requires an adequate understanding of how infrastructures contribute to well-being and greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar and Wind Power

With considerable manufacturing capacity, domestic engineering and construction experience, every country should support the global energy transition by introducing solar and wind power projects. These investments not only accelerate the global low-carbon transition but also support economic growth and the ongoing development of local supply chains and skilled workforces

Low-Carbon Transportation

Transport accounts for about 64% of global oil consumption, 27% of all energy use, and 23% of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. To make transport sustainable, it is necessary to increase electrified transport, which leads to improved air quality, and reduced carbon emissions, promoting green development. Electrifying a country’s public transport can help nations achieve carbon neutrality.

Agriculture and Forestry

Climate change is accelerating the degradation of ecosystems and agricultural land. Hence there is a need to Identify and implement the immediate actions needed to restore carbon sinks.  Introduce new market-based incentives for restoring degraded forests and providing rural employment. In addition, increase inspection capacity and tighten penalties for illegal logging. It is necessary for the concerned authorities to scale up pilot schemes for enhancing carbon stock, such as land sequestration and reduction of water and fertiliser use. Also, there is a need to extend awareness of market-based instruments to isolated communities and poor farmers.

Today’s infrastructure investment decisions will lock in emissions trajectories for decades and could make or break the world’s ability to achieve green development. Low-carbon green growth helps promote development by creating new environment-friendly products, industries, and business models that also improve quality of life and is a way toward development that separates economic growth from carbon emissions, pollution, and resource use.

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