Tackling Food Waste: Tips for Reducing Your Environmental Footprint


Food waste is a global issue with far-reaching environmental consequences. From the greenhouse gas emissions produced during food production to the wasted resources and landfill contributions, the impact of food waste on the planet cannot be understated. Food waste spans from industrial to individual levels, influenced by various factors including purchasing habits, excess production, retail standards, convenience, and cost. Its impact extends across all dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social, affecting communities globally. Furthermore, food waste significantly contributes to the broader challenge of climate change. Solutions for food waste are imperative, engaging stakeholders across various scales, from large corporations to small communities. While innovators in the science and technology sectors have made strides in addressing food waste, there remains ample room for further progress.

Identifying Sources of Food Waste

Studies estimate that food waste is responsible for one-third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and generates 8% of greenhouse gases annually (Lewis & Verch, 2023). Also, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO), industrialized nations discard approximately 670 million tons of food annually, while developing regions waste around 630 million tons. This equates to 608 million metric tonnes for industrialized nations and 571.5 million metric tonnes for developing regions (Carneiro & Araripe, 2023). To effectively tackle food waste, it is essential to understand where it comes from. Common sources of food waste are as follows. 

Overbuying at the Grocery Store

Overbuying at the grocery store is a common source of food waste, often driven by impulse buying or a lack of meal planning. Many individuals purchase more food than they actually need, either succumbing to tempting displays or simply buying in bulk without considering their actual consumption requirements. This excess food often ends up unused and eventually discarded, contributing to food waste.

Improper Storage Practices

Improper storage practices can also lead to significant food waste. Inadequate storage conditions, such as improper temperature control or exposure to moisture, can cause perishable items to spoil prematurely. Additionally, failing to utilize proper storage containers or techniques to maintain freshness can result in food going bad before it can be consumed, further contributing to waste.

Misunderstanding Expiration Dates

A common misconception contributing to food waste is the misunderstanding of expiration dates. Many individuals discard food based solely on expiration dates without fully understanding date labeling terminology. Sell-by, use-by, and best-by dates can often be misinterpreted, leading to the premature disposal of perfectly good food that is still safe to eat.

Meal Planning Challenges

Meal planning challenges, such as a lack of foresight in estimating quantities needed for meals, can also result in food waste. Without a clear plan for how food will be used, individuals may overbuy ingredients or purchase items that end up going unused. This excess food often ends up languishing in the refrigerator until it eventually spoils and must be thrown away.

Cooking Habits

Cooking larger portions than necessary can result in leftovers that go uneaten and eventually end up being discarded. Similarly, overly complex meal preparation that requires a wide variety of ingredients can lead to unused portions of perishable items, further contributing to waste. By addressing these sources of food waste with targeted strategies, individuals can take meaningful steps toward reducing their environmental footprint and creating a more sustainable food system.

Practical Tips for Reducing Food Waste:

Following are some of the tips and strategies for reducing food waste. 

Planning and Shopping

One of the most effective ways to reduce food waste is through meal planning. By planning meals in advance and creating a shopping list, one can avoid overbuying and minimize food waste. Additionally, buying in bulk or purchasing loose items can help reduce packaging waste and save money in the long run.

Proper Storage and Preservation

Proper storage is key to extending the shelf life of perishable items. Storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator and using airtight containers for leftovers can help prevent spoilage. Additionally, consider using food preservation techniques such as freezing, canning, or pickling to prolong the life of perishable items.

Creative Cooking and Leftover Management

Leftovers often go to waste, but with a little creativity, they can be transformed into delicious new meals. Consider repurposing leftovers into soups, stews, or stir-fries, or incorporating them into future meal planning. Additionally, do not forget to utilize food scraps such as vegetable peels and bones to make homemade stocks and broths.

Conscious Consumption

Mindful eating habits can also help reduce food waste. By practicing portion control and avoiding plate waste, one can ensure that they are only consuming what we need. Additionally, understanding expiration dates and date labeling terminology can help prevent premature discarding of perfectly good food.

Community and Collective Action:

Individual actions are important, but collective action is also crucial in the fight against food waste. Consider getting involved in community-based initiatives such as food recovery programs, composting initiatives, or local food-sharing networks. By working together, one can make a meaningful impact on reducing food waste in our communities.


Reducing food waste is not only good for the environment, it is also good for our wallets and our communities. By implementing the practical tips outlined, we can all play a part in tackling food waste and creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. Let’s take action today to reduce our environmental footprint and make a positive difference in the world.


Carneiro, S., & Araripe, E. (2023, March 30). Avoiding food waste through conscious consumption. Believe Earth. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from https://believe.earth/en/avoiding-food-waste-through-conscious-consumption/

Lewis, J., & Verch, M. (2023, April 8). 11 Effective Solutions for Food Waste. Earth.Org. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from https://earth.org/solutions-for-food-waste/

This article is written by Haneen Gul. Haneen is a research analyst at the Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies (IIPS).

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